Serving the greater Chattanooga Area since 1938
Program Information
The Chattanooga Housing Authority manages approximately 2,300 affordable apartments at 14 locations around the Chattanooga area. Our housing comes in all sizes and types, from single-family dwellings to high-rise apartments. Sites serve families as well as seniors. Apartment locations are operated under one or more affordable housing programs, such as:
Federal public housing
Low Income Housing Tax Credit
Project-Based Housing Choice Vouchers
Project-Based Rental Assistance
Each program receives funding from a federal or state regulatory authority, such as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or the Tennessee Housing Development Agency, and must operate according to the rules and regulations which apply.
CHA-managed housing is for families and individuals with limited income. The income limits vary according to the different programs, and depend on the number of household members.
Resources for Residents of CHA-Managed Housing
Paying your Rent – you can pay your rent ONLINE conveniently and easily, with no additional fee. Go to the following link:
Work Orders – If your apartment is in need of repairs, please call your work order in to the office during normal business hours. CHA Maintenance will get to your work order as soon as possible, but please be patient, as some work orders may have to prioritized due to their urgency. Outside of normal business hours, if you have an emergency situation arise, please call our answering service at 423-417-2200.
Smoking – All CHA Housing sites are non-smoking within the buildings and within 25 feet of the buildings. Smoking inside the building is a lease violation.
Leaving CHA Housing – If you will be moving out, please be sure to fill out an Intent to Vacate form and turn it in to the office. If we are unaware of your leaving, rent charges will continue to accrue.
Applying for CHA-Managed Housing
Affordable housing is a scarce resource, and all sites have waiting lists, so the first step in getting housed is to successfully complete a waiting list application to become active on one or more waiting lists. The CHA opens and closes waiting lists depending on the number of applicants currently on each list. You can only apply for a waiting list which is currently open at the time your application comes in. Waiting lists are managed by bedroom size, so for example the 1-bedroom waiting list for a site might be open, while the 2-bedroom list for that site might be currently closed. You will qualify for a particular bedroom size depending on your household size. If there is no waiting list open for the correct bedroom size your household needs, you will need to try to choose another site or check back to see if the waiting list you need has opened up. Some CHA sites have units configured for individuals with mobility or audio/visual disabilities. Waiting lists for these units are operated separately.
Certain CHA-managed sites have waiting list preferences that can put your application above other applications without that preference. These preferences are explained in greater detail in the application process. To obtain a waiting list preference, you must submit additional documentation that you qualify for the preference.
All applicants and household members must pass a background check to live in CHA Housing.
View locations and more details about CHA-Managed sites here: CHA Sites
Waiting list status:
Click here to see the current open/closed status of waiting lists for CHA-Managed Housing: Waiting List Dashboard
The below link will take you to the CHA's application portal.
Please be sure to retain your confirmation number, and to create a login on our Application Portal after you apply. This will allow you to submit any changed information at a later date!
Paying Off Old Debt and Becoming Eligible Again
If you previously lived with CHA less than 10 years ago and left owing a balance, you will need to pay off the balance before you can re-apply. IN ADDITION, if you were previously evicted or your previous tenancy was otherwise terminated by CHA, you will not be eligible to re-apply until 5 years after the termination, regardless of pay-off balance. To check your previous balance or pay off an old balance, go to the site where you previously lived and they will be able to assist you.
Referrals from Other Agencies:
In partnership with other agencies in Chattanooga who serve individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or are trying to escape domestic violence, CHA’s Housing First program allows clients of our partner agencies to receive an enhanced preference on some waiting lists. All other program requirements continue to apply. To participate, you need to be a client of one of the partner agencies and your case manager must issue a referral to CHA for Housing First. The following information sheet has details about the program: Housing First Info Sheet