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The Housing Choice Voucher program is a federal government program for assisting low-income families, the elderly and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. Since housing assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual, participants are able to find their own housing, including single-family homes, townhouses and apartments.

Housing Choice Voucher Program Inspection Info (NSPIRE)

HUD Delays NSPIRE for Voucher Implementation Until 2025


CHA will keep the virtual meeting dates and the in person meeting dates to discuss and advise on the upcoming NSPIRE changes even though they have been delayed until October 1, 2025. 


The HUD update makes the following points:

  1. The compliance date for NSPIRE-V will be October 1, 2025—this will occur officially via a publication in the Federal Register;

  2. HUD will reissue the original NSPIRE-V administrative notice with the new deadline;

  3. Carbon monoxide alarm requirements remain in effect;

  4. HUD will update the NSPIRE smoke alarm standard to include either hard wired or sealed, 10-year batteries in smoke alarms, and PHAs will still have to comply with this requirement by December 23, 2024;

  5. The visual assessment standard for potential lead-based paint hazards still applies as NSPIRE did not revise the existing requirements;


Effective October 1, 2025, the Chattanooga Housing Authority is required to adopt the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) as our regulatory inspection criteria for the Housing Choice Voucher Program.  This will replace the current Housing Quality Standards (HQS).



Here are some just some of the changes below: (This is not the full scope of changes; this is only a few to give you an idea of what types of things will need to be addressed.  Attending one of the trainings will give you all of the new requirements and allow you to ask questions.) 


  • Ungrounded outlets will be a required 30-day repair

  • GFCI protection is required at outlets within 6 feet of a water source

  • CO detectors must be installed in units with an attached garage

  • Smoke detectors must be installed on each level including the basement; there must be a smoke detector in each bedroom and on the outside of each bedroom


View Documents:
NSPIRE Information Tables

NSPIRE Checklist Document


The Chattanooga Housing Authority will hold 3 virtual meetings and 1 in person meeting to discuss the changes and answer any questions you may have regarding this new system.  You only need to attend 1 of the meetings as they will all cover the same information.  Below are the meeting dates:


  • Thursday, May 23rd @ 2:00 pm - 5:00pm (virtual)

  • Thursday, June 27th @ 2:00 pm - 5:00pm (virtual)

  • Thursday, July 25th @ 2:00 pm - 5:00pm (virtual)

  • Thursday, August 22nd @ 6:00 pm - 9:00pm (in person) at our office located at 801 N Holtzclaw Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37404


The link to the virtual meetings are below.  Do not click on the link until that meeting date and time as it will not be active until a few minutes prior to 2:00 pm on that day. 


May 23 link


June 27 link


July 25 link


There is no need to RSVP for the virtual meetings but please email if you plan to attend the in-person meeting so we can be sure to have enough chairs and refreshments!

Chartered in 1938, the Chattanooga Housing Authority exists to provide safe, decent, affordable housing; while promoting those community service programs that encourage the education, personal development, and wealth building capabilities of the residents and participants we serve, in the most customer friendly, cost-effective manner.


© 2024 Chattanooga Housing Authority.

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